I had a power cut last night at 7-30, just as I had fired up the mac to crack on with my work. It came back on at 11-30 in the end and I ended up going to bed some time after 3am. I feel very tired now!
This is the week of the hand in of the VCC2 projects. I have been sorting out my Greeting Cards for the show. My work will need to be printed properly this week, but all the required files are ready. I need to print one of my cards again as I have amended it!
I also have some photography to do for a magazine called 'Go Flying'. They are doing a feature on flying at night, and have asked me if I will get some pics in the dark. Will need to do some long exposure for that! They have given me a deadline at the end of this week, so I hope that the weather holds out. I have had another advert published this week in another flight magazine.
Tomorrow and for the rest of the week I need to absolutely concentrate on getting all of my work together for the hand in on Friday.
It's the last dreamweaver session tonight. I want to get my CSS site sorted for the submission to the Short Course Office.
This afternoon was spent helping to photograph the greeting cards in preparation for the show. I managed to cut out the printed material without loosing a finger!