Friday, 27 February 2009
Work Related Learning.
Yesterday I had a session with Justin, a creative who came in to kick off the WRL unit. It was interesting to hear about the path that he has taken so far. It has made me think more about where I want to go and be! I originally started the Fda with the intention of becoming 'freelance' but I now know that I need to gain valuable experience within a studio environment. I know that with the skills I have gained I could work for myself, but employment is a preferable option!
FMP Crit.
Yesterday I had a crit with Mike with regards to my FMP idea. My idea is to create a book of arial images of old airfields and landmarks that are slowly disappearing from the landscape with the passing of time. Mike made a valid point that my idea needs to be widened up to other possibilities. I agree with his comments as the book may be a bit too biased towards photography rather than a graphic design aspect. Ideas eminated from the crit and I will now look into other ideas including a large format poster on the arial subject. It could be a Tourist Information poster for instance or a fictitious walk that could be created for ramblers.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Last night I embarked on gathering my work for my portfolio. I have all the original files but I need to design sheets for presentation purposes. Once this is completed, I will get them printed for insertion into a portfolio folder.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Having now decided to do the 'aviation photography' idea for my FMP, I need to start gathering and researching heavily into this area. I intend to use the library on Thursday and Friday to look at this topic. I am slightly concerned about how I will plan my time with this project but I know that it will come together. I will also talk to people at the airport who may be able to help me with the research.
My focus needs to be on the PPRD hand in that is due next month as well as the FMP. I have kept my Blog running throughout the projects and regularly post images of work produced. I need to gather the best work and have this printed onto A3 sheets for insertion into an A3 folder.
D&AD Crisis.
Now that the MAA submission is completed, Anna and myself will concentrate on finishing the 'Crisis' project that is due in March. The key-tag needs to be printed and attached to the key with string. Once this is done, the key will be photographed so that we can create a poster that can be submitted. Ideally the plastic key would have been red in colour but the workshops only had clear plastic so I think we are going to need to do a bit of 'photo-shopping' when the image is shot. We are thinking of having the key lying on a doormat below a letterbox although I think myself and Anna will discuss other possibilities. I will speak to Anna this Thursday.
MAA presentation.
Last wednesday Anna and Adam presented the MAA logo, powerpoint template and mini-website to the panel. Unfortunately I could not attend as I was away. The result was extremely positive and our design has been taken into consideration alongside two other designs. We now wait to see the result!
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Following a bit of a stressful day on Friday, I have now decided to pursue the Aviation Photography route for my FMP. I am now researching into this area and writing up my Learning Agreement for the hand-in.
Prep for MAA presentation.

Today, Anna, Adam and myself put together a Powerpoint document and a website for the presentation tomorrow. It has been quite an experience as we had a few problems with Powerpoint and also aligning some text in Illustrator! (what on earth happened there!). I will be away for the presentation, but Anna and Adam are confident that they are ready.
I have really enjoyed working as a group on this MAA brief. It has had a few ups and downs but has been carried along by laughter!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Black and White.
I am considering a different idea for the FMP. I'm not totally happy with my initial ideas. I am currently looking at the subject of the human ageing process. I have been looking at many photography books at the AIB library and was particularly amazed by the book titled 'Snogging' by Rankin. The images were amazing, and touch something that most people have done and do but find embarrassing to talk about. The images appeared to be free from 'shoppping' and some were a little shocking!
Looking at the various books has inspired me to find a subject that I can communicate with using photography. I am looking into how people look in later life compared to when they were younger. When I find a picture of me when I was younger, the first thing most people say is "oh my god, you had hair!" One possibility is to find volunteers who have no objection to being photographed whilst holding a picture of themselves at a younger age. I would like to look into the lifestyles of these individuals and see if that has a bearing on their health and appearance. In this day and age, we live in a world where image and appearance is high on peoples lists. I would also like to find out various information with regards to whether the individual has been married, how physically active they are/have been and their eating and drinking habits.
I would like to use this particular project in order to improve and explore the art of portrait photography. The idea would be to use a 'coffee table' book to display the work in an interesting and thought evoking manner. I could also create a website to display the work too.
On Tuesday, we met up to discuss and create the templates for the power point presentation. The layout was decided and placed into Powerpoint. The file was saved but when opened up again, the logo had mysteriously appeared twice and had taken on the shape of an egg! This maybe because the logo was dragged straight from Illustrator onto the Powerpoint slide. Need to sort this out for sure!
The webpage has yet to be sorted. We will discuss this during the week.
Canvas prints for Flying Club.

Sunday, 8 February 2009
Friday, 6 February 2009
MAA live brief logo
Anna, Adam and myself have come to an agreement on the logo that we have created. We intend to use the globe version but this will be converted to black and white for photocopier purposes. We will meet on Monday 7th to discuss the web and power point templates.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Friday Group Tutorial with Sally
My idea of 'self sustainability' for the FMP was presented. I had some great feedback on the initial concept. Sally is definitely pushing my thought processes from the initial idea. I agree that I am making the idea a bit too personal to my own preferences and I need to appeal to a greater audience. I like the 'mud hut' building that was suggested by Emily and will look further into other methods that can be used to build cheap environmentally friendly housing.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Final Major Project
Last week I looked at possible ideas for the Final Project and was a little stumped. Over the past couple of days I have given it some serious thought and have now a couple of areas that I could venture into. The strongest one that I have would be on the subject of being self sufficient within the home. I would look at the various ways that money could be saved, for instance by using solar energy and wood burning heating as ways to reduce bills and the impact on the environment. This is a personal favourite of mine as I would love to live this way. The other area could be in Aviation on the subject of aerobatic flying. This is an area that I have experienced for myself as I have a thirst for adrenelin and the feeling of complete freedom that this type of flight brings. I will think further on other ideas.
Crisis update.
Anna and myself have been working on the brief for a while and now have the actual plastic keys that we want to use for the mail-shot. Unfortunately the engineer who cut them didn't have a red colour that would match the Crisis logo, so we have clear instead. Jeremy who cut them has been very helpful in this process. We have decided to use a stringed paper tag with the word 'uncomfortable' on one side and the website address on the reverse. The next step is to photograph the key on a doormat and create a poster for submission to D&AD.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
MAA live brief logo

Anna, Adam and myself have come up with a few initial logo's for the MAA brief set by Matt.
The above logo was created using colours from the 3 councils logos. All the logos have a blue in them but the above use the second primary colours. The idea is to show them merging into each other and working together.
Monday, 2 February 2009
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