It's coming up to the time for the
PPRD hand-in. I have taken a look at the work that I have done in the second year of
Vis Com so far and wanted to reflect on this.
The live work that I have done this year has been varied. Most of the work that I have done has been for my employer at the Flying Club. The club had been re-branded with a new logo that was designed by an outside designer. My employer didn't know that I could have done this for them. Once they knew what I could do, there was quite a bit of 'live brief' work given to me!
This consisted of:-
An exhibition stand for the Bournemouth Airshow
Club leaflets (tri-fold)
Trial lesson certificates
Internal advertising for premises
Signs for outside the premises including liaising with the sign cutter
Aerial photography and other images for Website
New logo for the Social Club itself
Phonebook and Industry magazine advertising
Training material for Trainee Pilots (Powerpoint etc)
Images for the re-fitted restaurant (printed onto canvas screens)
In addition to this I have submitted work to the Dorset Business Awards (last year), The MAA brief, and I am still working with Anna on the D&AD Crisis brief.
Looking back on the year, I have enjoyed the briefs that I had undertaken. The MAA was fun working as a team with Anna and Adam. I was satisfied with the logo, but would have liked a little more time for the Web templates. The Crisis brief is still live and we have worked hard to come up with a solution. We were slow to start with, and really finding it hard to come up with an original idea. We looked at many different possibilities, but eventually came up with the 'key' concept. Getting the key made was made possible by the workshops on campus who let us use a laser-cutter to cut out the key itself. We are now working on the poster to be submitted now that the key is complete. Not long until the deadline!
Sometimes it can be hard when it comes to the coursework. Life is pretty busy and getting the balance of work and study can be a challenge. I feel happy with the way the course is going, but sometimes I feel that I lag a little! I feel the help and support that I get is superb, especially when I get those 'brick wall' moments! Personally, I would also like to learn the software more and once the course has finished, I know that I will be able to do this.
We are now embarking on the Final Major Project. I have come against some 'brick wall' moments but I am now going in a positive direction.
I now manage time better. I didn't realise how disorganized I was! I now make notes of what I need to do each week and this certainly helps.